SMF - Sound of Music Festival
SMF stands for Sound of Music Festival
Here you will find, what does SMF stand for in Firm under Media category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Sound of Music Festival? Sound of Music Festival can be abbreviated as SMF What does SMF stand for? SMF stands for Sound of Music Festival. What does Sound of Music Festival mean?Sound of Music Festival is an expansion of SMF
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Alternative definitions of SMF
- Sacramento International Airport, Sacramento, California USA
- Single Mode Fiber
- Single Mode Fiber
- Standard Midi File
- System Management Facilities
- System Management Facility
- Sacramento Metropolitan Airport
- Software MAC Filter
View 93 other definitions of SMF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SME Social Media Energy
- SBC Saudi British Centre
- SVL Seed Ventures Ltd
- SSA Storey S. A.
- SIMS Shiva Institute of Management Studies
- SOH Spanish Oaks Hospice
- SHFTC Style House Fashion Trading Company
- SCG Smart Consulting Group
- SCC Sunrise Childrens Children
- SMC Search Mortgage Corp.
- SAPL Sepia Advertising Pvt. Ltd
- SUP Sheffield United PLC
- SSD Sierra Select Distributors
- SIA Semiconductor Industry Association
- SMEGA Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority
- SHS Spring High School
- SSP School Street Partners
- SACL Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania
- SRG Shoreland Realty Group
- SCEDT Shoreline Center for Eating Disorder Treatment